Our topicals are the result of continuous innovation and development at CTPharma. We have assembled a reliable line of medium-strength topicals for a variety of uses. This includes ratio lotions, Mend balm and others.
Warning: Cannabis that is vaped or smoked is likely to have an onset within 15 minutes while cannabis that is consumed is more likely to have a delayed onset of up to 2+ hours or more.
Topical Certificates of Analysis
Topicals Labels
“I have celiac disease, and since it’s an autoimmune disease, the body can react in odd ways. I get angry, bumpy, itchy dry skin, with red spots, papillae, and acne.
Twice a year I go on an 8-week course of antibiotics because it will not respond to anything, all proved useless. I avoided heat ad cold, sun and wind because my rosacea is so sensitive.
I started using your T100C100 Lotion on my neck for spasticity. I noticed that my skin started clearing up where I used your lotion. I now use stall over my face and my skin is clear and it feels fantastic.